After the biggest event of the year for our industry, I thought it would be fitting to write about the art of following up. As we all know, it’s valuable to network at any industry event. That fact brings to mind a quote from Herminia Ibarra that I just love: “Networking is a lot like nutrition and fitness: We know what to do. The hard part is making it a top priority.”
I’d like to think that many of us do make networking a priority. We join in on Twitter chats; we attend InfoComm year after year; we meet our peers within our regional footprints and at events like the Exertis Almo E4 Experience. These days, there are so many ways to engage with our community. It’s up to us to take advantage of these moments in time.
The Ground Level of Networking
But going to these events is just the ground level of networking. It should never be a simple checkbox on your to-do list; instead, networking should be strategic, purposeful, meaningful and genuine. What’s more, it’s only after you’ve mixed, mingled and obtained some contacts that the real work begins! The art of the follow up contains three basic elements, and we’ll explore each in turn.
#1 Reaching Out
The nerve-wracking part — namely, meeting and talking to people in person — is already out of the way. So, after the event, don’t be hesitant to reach out. Hopefully, during the initial interaction, you grabbed a good contact method for your new acquaintance. So, shoot them an email or give them a call! When making that initial follow-up outreach, be sure to make it personal and be specific. For example: “It was great meeting you at [specific event]. I remember you mentioned that you live in [a specific area]. I’ll be there next month. I would love to grab lunch!” It doesn’t have to be long winded. Instead, just be personable and specific!
# 2 Connect on Social Media
Nine times out of 10, when you meet someone at an industry event, you’ll find that they’re tied to the community of #avtweeps. And we #avtweeps love to engage with and learn from one another online! Utilize LinkedIn to further connect. When requesting to connect with a new contact, send a short message. Again, be personable and specific! At the same time, show your support. Let them know that you’re there to help and that you’re willing to support them within the industry community. That could be making an introduction to someone else in the industry, sharing information about upcoming events or just offering general advice. Show genuine support, and you’ll find that others will reciprocate.
#3 Don’t Let Fear Stop You
Sometimes, we might be hesitant to reach out to, or engage with, a new contact because of the little voice in our head. Every so often, a thought pops up in the back of our mind and tells us crazy things. For example: “That person is too busy. They don’t want to hear from me.” The voice might also stoke fear that they won’t bother to respond. Trust me: We all get that little voice sometimes; the key is to overcome it! When you reach out and further engage with the world, it has a way of opening things up.
So, don’t give in to the doubts! What if the person didn’t respond to your initial email or phone call, or if they haven’t accepted your connection request yet? Charge it to the game. I know that’s a bit of slang, but, after a major event like InfoComm, there’s a lot of noise. Maybe the person is buried in emails and voicemails. So, charge it to the game, and do step two.
Don’t let fear stop you from continuing to reach out. That’s the secret sauce of the art of following up. It’s fine to let some time go by, but don’t let the connection die. If you do, what was the point of networking in the first place? What was the point of meeting like-minded people? The art of the follow-up is what builds relationships. So, don’t let fear get in the way! Timing is everything. I believe you can build connections with people when you find the right time.
Find creative and engaging new ways to further connect with people. The art of the follow up is definitely more powerful than you might think! And if we haven’t connected yet, please make sure to find me on LinkedIn. I am always happy to chat and build our connection.
See you at the next event, #avtweeps!
The Art of the Follow-Up